The Holy Spirt is given to discern the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error.
Discernment is necessary because many false prophets are in the world.
Their aim is to shake your faith and confidence in Jesus Christ.
False teaching will be persuasive.
John’s readers were outnumbered and so are we.
Be willing to be an “unbeliever” even if the teaching comes from a professing Christian.
We discern by the Holy Spirt and according to doctrinal confession about Jesus.
The Spirt of truth confesses Jesus Christ as fully God and fully man.
The spirit of error denies such confession; this is the spirit of the anti-christ.
The Antichrist’s objective is to deceive you and keep the lost in the dark about Jesus.
His spirit is active in the world wherever the truth about Jesus is distorted.
You are from God: The Holy Spirit in you is greater than the antichrist’s in teh world.
We are from God: The Apostle’s teaching about Jesus in the Scriptures is who we listen to.
Be a Berean (Acts 17)