Serve at Anchor Point

There are so many ways to get involved with the life of Anchor Point, we are sure you will be able to find something that interests you. Below are several ways you can lend a hand and help out with making our church the best, most welcoming atmosphere it can be. To get involved, either click the link below or fill out the form at the bottom of this page and a member of our church will reach out to you!


Coffee Bar Team

Help supply everybody’s cup of Joe before service starts!


Usher tEam

Help the church receive the donations of the people, find seats for guests, and more.


Student Ministry

Be a part of teaching our students the greatness of God!


Worship Team

Love to sing and worship Jesus? Know how to play an instrument? Help lead our time of singing.


Tech Team

Our tech team is in charge of running the slide shows and other media during service.


Kids Ministry Team

Assist in teaching our little ones during the service.


Facilities Team

Keep everything running smoothly at our campuses by helping with maintenance.


Lawn/snow team

Living in northern Minnesota requires helpful members to keep our sidewalks and parking lots snow-free!