“It’s all Good in the Neighborhood”
(Genesis 2:4-25)
The Name(s) of God in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.
Genesis 1: God is the sovereign God who creates the heavens and the earth. God is the majestic God who speaks and it is done. He is Elohim.
Genesis 2: God is the personal God who breathed his life into man. God is the self-existent God who establishes relationship with man. He is Yahweh.
The Lord God formed man from the ground and breathed into him the breath of life (v7).
The Lord God prepares a delightful and gorgeous garden as the home for man (v8-16).
The Lord God planted a garden and put the man in it (v8).
The Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food (v9).
The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to tend and keep it (v15).
The Lord God gave one command to the man in the garden (v16).
The Lord God provides a person who is categorically different from him in such a way that it completes him (2:4-25).
The Lord God said it is not good for the man to be alone in the garden and decide to make a helper comparable to him (v18).
The Lord God gave Adam authority to name all the animals and he could not find his counterpart among them (v19).
The Lord God put Adam into a deep sleep, took a rib from him, and made it into a woman and brought her to him (v21-22).
The man says, finally! He and his wife became one flesh–All was good in the garden (v23-25).