Upcoming Events
Town Hall Meetings- January 19 at 12pm & Tuesday January 21 at 6:30pm.
The purpose of town hall meetings is to provide Anchor Point members space with the elders for questions and needed clarification about anything related to the new 2025 fiscal year that begins February 1. Both meetings are hosted digitally. An invite to members will be sent out prior to each meeting for those who wish to attend.
Annual Meeting- January 26, 2025
All members should plan to attend so we can vote on the proposed amended bylaws, the 2025 Budget, and the 2025 Elders. Voting will be conducted by anonymous paper ballot. The meeting will be for about 1 hour.
Ministry need
Did you know scrubbing toilets can serve the Lord?? Mopping is a ministry? Garbage emptying is glorious?? Cleaning Team is looking for 4 more people to take on a once or less-a-month rotation in cleaning the building. Meg Peterson is leading up a crew and can show the ins and outs of what needs to be done. Please email alyssa@anchorpointchurch.org to get connected today!
Anchor Point Parties!
Upcoming Dates: Feb 9th, March 16th, April 13th
Anchor Point parties are extending times together after the service to share a meal and build relationships over food and conversation. Feel free to bring some food or dessert to share! There's always plenty for everyone so come and enjoy as we keep it simple yet intentional and fun. We also encourage name tags which will be found in the seat pockets on those Sundays. If the weather permits, parties are outside on the lawn otherwise, they’re in the worship center.
Anchor Point Hang-Times:
It is great to see so many people stay and talk, pray, and share life updates after the service! If you'd like to stay longer after the service because you want to connect or are having a good conversation with a few people, grab a chair and help yourself to more coffee or tea and stay a while, as long as you like! If you are the last one, just turn off the lights before you leave.
Anchor Point Serves:
Do you know someone in our family or the community who has a need? Do you know someone who is homebound and unable to go to church or would like a visit from someone? We want to serve and bless others in Jesus' Name as a tangible expression that we "Aroma of Christ" before one another and in our community. Let us know by contacting the church office (218.625.6200) or emailing us at info@anchorpointchurch.org.
Anchor Point in Small Groups:
We encourage you to join a group to connect more deeply with God and others. To learn more contact Aaron Miatke admiatke@gmail.com. He will be happy to help you get connected.