Want to make Anchor Point your home? Take the next step and become a member of the church!
We want you here. Take the next step.
At Anchor Point, faith is much more than just a weekly service. You can find the word “membership” used in many different contexts, but what does it mean at Anchor Point?
Anyone is welcome to attend services, take part in community life, and serve at Anchor Point without needing to “join” the church. However, stepping into membership means making a formal commitment to be an active and growing disciple of Jesus who is choosing this church as the place to live out their walk as a Christ-follower. It means taking ownership of what is going on and playing an active role in moving the vision forward. It means opening yourself up to biblical community and accountability.
Members of Anchor Point Church are asked to lend their voices to our decision-making process by nominating and affirming our elders, approving our budget, and taking part in our annual business meetings. In addition to this, members are on the front lines of church communication, often hearing about things before they are formally announced and asked to give input.
The process for becoming a member requires a high level of commitment and participation in the life of the church. We’d love to see you take the necessary steps to become a member. Here is what you will need to do:
Show your interest by either filling out a connect card or by contacting the church: anchorpointchurch.org / 218-625-6200
Sign and date a letter of intent to join the church.
Complete a 90-day preparation period where you will demonstrate regular attendance and active participation in the life and ministry of the church
Attend a welcome event known as “Starting Point.” To sign up for this event, click here
Identify a ministry role within Anchor Point
Actively participate in Community Life at Anchor Point
Commit to faithful financial support of Anchor Point
Complete a personal interview with two Elders
Sign an Affirmation of Membership
We look forward to having you as a part of the church!