Overcoming the World- Sermon on 1 John 2:12-17

Overcoming the World- Sermon on 1 John 2:12-17

Preached by Dave Peterson on September 29, 2024

Verses 12-14 are personal and the structure and symmetry seem more like a poem.

Key things:

1) Knowing the true God

2) Forgiveness of sins

3) Abiding in the word of God

A reminder of the benefits of the gospel we now enjoy.

The gospel is foundational truth and brings new life to you. That is why you are an overcomer.

Why is there no direct reference to women in these verses? In Biblical times, women and girls were often spoken about in relation to men, but women are definitely included in this passage.

“Little children” refers to all believers.

Have the truths of the gospel moved information to transformation in your life? That is where the Christian life begins.

Forgiveness isn’t just about you. His name gets the glory through your testimony.

It’s not just the forgiveness of sin, but the coming to know the true and living God.

Being forgiven and knowing God defines what it means to be a child of God.

“Fathers” refers to those mature in the faith.

The strength and depth of our faith is in knowing the living God.

For those who are newer in Christ, don’t be put off by older believers. For older believers, those coming behind you need you to model the long obedience in the same direction.

Take timeless truths, and bring them into our current world.

“Young men” refers to those growing in Christ.

Three truths and their impact:

1) trusting in God’s strength and not your own

2) Abiding in the Word of God

3) Not loving the things of the world

What are the “things of the world”?

The things of the world are the desires of the flesh (sex), the desires of the eyes (money), and the pride of life (power).

How can a Christian overcome the world? See John 17:15

The believer belongs in the world, but not to the world.

Using the analogy of a coming winter, we have two options to stay warm: 1) Isolation- stay inside by the fireplace or 2) Insulation- dress warm and venture out

Insulation would be building up our faith by reading our Bibles, being in church, fellowshipping with other believers, and loving God’s kingdom.

The world is passing away (1 John 2:17) but we are headed to a new and better world.

1 John 2:17

Here at Anchor Point Church in Duluth, we practice expository preaching. Expository preaching is a style of preaching that involves explaining and interpreting a specific passage of Scripture in a detailed and systematic manner. Our pastors endeavor to be faithful in drawing out the meaning of the text, often going verse by verse, and then applying its principles to the lives of the listeners. The goal is to faithfully communicate the original intent of the biblical authors, ensuring that the congregation understands the message within its proper context. Please join us on Sunday morning!

The Tapestry of the Christian Life- Part 1 (1 John 2:3-6)- Sermon Notes

John repeatedly weaves the tapestry of Christian living using obedience, love, and belief as threads.

The finished tapestry is a joyous fellowship of light, life and love. The finished tapestry shows the world that we are disciples of Jesus.

The thread of obedience (verses 3-5)

“How can I know that I am really a Christian?”

We can know we have come to know Him by keeping His commandments.

Obedience to Jesus’ commandments does have bearing on your standing with God.

There is a necessary connection between knowing Christ and obeying Christ.

When we obey His commandments we are moving toward completion in His love.

Two pressing questions:

1) How many commandments did Jesus give? (ballpark: around 50)

2) How do we keep them without experiencing them as burdensome? (1 John 5:3)

Three options: (first two are burdensome)

1.) Fake it- “Fake it till you make it.”- This is more of a behavior change than a heart change. What is your life like when no one is watching?

2.) Pharisee it- “Obedience without really knowing God.”- The Pharisees had their eyes on other, but not on their own hearts.

These two have one thing in common: force obedience. But there is a third option…

3.) Fait it- Awareness > Confession of personal sin

The Holy Spirt gives us a new heart and the ability to keep God’s commandments. We have faith in Christ’s perfect obedience.

Jesus walked in perfect obedience to the Father.


All of this begins with a new heart. You can have one by professing faith in Jesus.

Here at Anchor Point Church in Duluth, we practice expository preaching. Expository preaching is a style of preaching that involves explaining and interpreting a specific passage of Scripture in a detailed and systematic manner. Our pastors endeavor to be faithful in drawing out the meaning of the text, often going verse by verse, and then applying its principles to the lives of the listeners. The goal is to faithfully communicate the original intent of the biblical authors, ensuring that the congregation understands the message within its proper context. Please join us on Sunday morning!

"This is the Message" Sermon Notes on 1 John 1:5-10

Introduction: What we believe and know about the nature and character of God matters.

“This is the message”- God is light. In Him is no darkness at all. (v5).

God’s very essence and nature is light.

John and the disciples heard this message from Jesus and told it to others. (John 8:12, 9:5, 12:35-36, 44-46).

Light/Darkness: What is Jesus talking about? Holiness, creating power, love, protection, provided guidance to where God is leading.

Darkness is represented by everything anti-God- sin and separation.

How this applies to our lives as disciples of Jesus (1:6-2:2)

If we say we have fellowship with God, but if we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins to God He is faithful and just to forgive us our sines and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Confession = humble acknowledgement “I am a sinner by nature”.

If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar and His Word is not in us. But if we do sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.

Propitiation means satisfaction. Because God is a holy God, His wrath and justice burns against sin. Jesus became our substitute.

God does not remind you of your past sin. Satan does that.

Conclusion: Let’s experience fellowship with God and each other. Let’s walk in the light because God is there. Let’s confess our sins to stay there. Remember, we have an advocate.

Here at Anchor Point Church in Duluth, we practice expository preaching. Expository preaching is a style of preaching that involves explaining and interpreting a specific passage of Scripture in a detailed and systematic manner. Our pastors endeavor to be faithful in drawing out the meaning of the text, often going verse by verse, and then applying its principles to the lives of the listeners. The goal is to faithfully communicate the original intent of the biblical authors, ensuring that the congregation understands the message within its proper context. Please join us on Sunday morning!

"You Gotta Hear This!" Sermon Notes on 1 John 1:1-4

On Sunday, September 8, 2024 Pastor Josh began a new series on the book of 1 John.

He gave the purpose and context of First John. Detailing John’s life in his late twenties and early thirties, spent alongside Jesus and the other disciples who had all died by the time 1 John was written. John was likely in his eighties by this point

The initial application for us today is to never throw in the towel, no matter what age we are in! Invest in spreading the Gospel now and for future generations.

Into John’s first letter: (1 John 1:1-4)

What’s his main subject and focus (1:1-2)?

  • That which was from the beginning

  • The word of life

  • The eternal life

What’s his main point and hope (1:3-4)?

Our faith in and life experience with Jesus has given us a quality of life and fellowship the world does not offer, and we want you to have it too!

Principle: Salvation is about fellowship with God and with each other.

Here at Anchor Point Church in Duluth, we practice expository preaching. Expository preaching is a style of preaching that involves explaining and interpreting a specific passage of Scripture in a detailed and systematic manner. Our pastors endeavor to be faithful in drawing out the meaning of the text, often going verse by verse, and then applying its principles to the lives of the listeners. The goal is to faithfully communicate the original intent of the biblical authors, ensuring that the congregation understands the message within its proper context. Please join us on Sunday morning!

The Life of an Ambassador for Christ

This post is the outline and sermon notes from the August 18, 2024 sermon titled, “The Life of an Ambassador for Christ” delivered by Pastor Josh Major. The Biblical text for this sermon was from 2 Corinthians 6:1-10.

We work with God by:

  1. Appeal to one another not to waste the grace of God. (verses 1-2)

  2. Put no obstacles in anyone’s way. (verses 3-10)

    • By our patience in affliction (verses 4-5)

    • By our purity in conduct and speech (verses 6-7)

    • By our paradoxical existence in the world. (verses 8-10)

Questions for Application:

Have you benefited from the grace of God who came to your rescue when you were down and out in your sin?

Have you benefited from His reconciling ministry through His son Jesus who died for you?

Do you think others around you would benefit from the same grace, the same ministry of reconciliation?

What obstacles are you most tempted to put in someone’s way?

Remember: to some, the Gospel will be sweet and to others, it will be sour. Keep going. Don’t quit being the aroma of Christ to those around you.

Here at Anchor Point Church in Duluth, we practice expository preaching. Expository preaching is a style of preaching that involves explaining and interpreting a specific passage of Scripture in a detailed and systematic manner. Our pastors endeavor to be faithful in drawing out the meaning of the text, often going verse by verse, and then applying its principles to the lives of the listeners. The goal is to faithfully communicate the original intent of the biblical authors, ensuring that the congregation understands the message within its proper context. Please join us on Sunday morning!